FILIPE CORTEZ (Porto, 1986)
Filipe Cortez (Portugal, 1986) holds an MA in Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto and a BA in Painting from the same institution. He exhibits regularly since 2007, highlights being his exhibitions in New York City and Taipei. In 2015, he completed a six-month artist residency at Residency Unlimited (New York) from where many collaborations with galleries and curators sprouted. Cortez works within the fields of painting, sculpture, and site-specific installation examining memory and space of architectural spaces. The multidisciplinarity of media have become more and more evident in his work, for which he has received various awards.
His work is represented in the collections of Serralves (Serralves Foundation, Porto, PT), Quartel / Figueiredo Ribeiro Collection (Abrantes, PT), Dona Chen Art Collections (Taipei, CN) and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / Artist Book Collection. He lives and works in Porto.
Academic Training
- 2015 - 16 Artist Assistant of the Visual Artist, Gabriela Albergaria (New York, USA)
- 2012 Master of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto (Oporto, PT)
- 2008 Painting Degree, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto (Oporto, PT)
Solo Exhibitions
- 2024 Catharsis, NO·NO (Lisbon, PT)
- 2021 Studio 94, curated by Nuno Crespo, NO·NO (Lisbon, PT)
- 2019 - 20 Exuviae, Acervo - Arte Contemporânea (Lisbon, PT)
- 2017 Saudade, curated by Maya Castro Gutierrez, AC Institute (New York, USA)
- 2016 Synapse, curated by Katherine Meehan, NYU Langone Art Gallery (New York, USA)
- 2016 Ecdysis, curated by Ana Sophie Salazar, InCube Arts (New York, USA)
- 2016 Traces and Tides of the Seaport, curated by Adele Eisenstein, Melville Gallery of South Street Seaport Museum (New York, USA)
- 2015 Disenchantments, curated by Mitra Khorasheh, The Dept. of Signs and Symbols (New York, USA)
- 2015 Dissection: Filipe Cortez, 6B Nolan Park / Governor’s Island (New York, USA)
- 2012 Crucifixus, Museu da Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade do Porto (Oporto, PT)
- 2012 As cores do corpo, curated by Paulo Cunha e Silva, St. António Hospital (Oporto, PT)
Group Exhibitions
- 2024 Art Dusseldorf, booth NO·NO Gallery, Art Dusseldorf (Dusseldorf, DE)
- 2023 De Peau à Peau, MARQ - Musée Roger-Quilliot (Clermont-Ferrand, FR)
- 2022 - 23 BE KIND REWIND, NO·NO (Lisbon, PT)
- 2022 ARCOlisboa2022, Booth NO·NO Gallery (Lisbon, PT)
- 2021 ARCOlisboa 2021, ARCO E-XHIBITIONS / NO·NO (Online)
- 2021 Extemporaneous contemporaries, curated by Andreia Garcia, Fernando Santos Gallery (Porto, PT)
- 2021 Trauma Response, curated by Judith Hofer, Duplex AIR (Lisbon, PT)
- 2020 TAIPEI DANGDAI, Sallon Section, Galerie du Monde (Taipei, CN)
- 2020 ARCOlisboa 2020 , ARCO E-XHIBITIONS / NO·NO (Online)
- 2020 Not an Island I, NO·NO (Lisbon, PT)
- 2020 Leap of Faith, curated by Miguel Mesquita, NO·NO (Lisbon, PT)
- 2019 ESTAMPA’19, booth Acervo - Arte Contemporânea, IFEMA (Madrid, ES)
- 2019 10/40, Kubik Gallery (Oporto, PT)
- 2018 Gorgeous, Donna Chen Art Collections (Taipei, CN)
- 2017 Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Award, ASC Museum (Amarante, PT)
- 2017 Lying Behind the Glass, curated by Show Me Art Gallery, Casa Esperança (Braga, PT)
- 2017 STUPIN, collaboration with Kuo I-Chen, TKG+ Projects (Taipei, CN)
- 2017 Politicizing Space, curated by Charlopa Kotik, The Anya and Andrew Shiva Gallery (New York, USA)
- 2016 O Exercício e o Corpo: dose e efeito, Rectory of the University of Porto (Oporto, PT)
- 2016 9th Bienal Internacional de Arte Jovem de Vila Verde Award, Vila Verde Municipality (Vila Verde, PT)
- 2015 Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Award, ASC Museum (Amarante, PT)
- 2015 Rooted, curated by Aimee Rubensteen, Manny Cantor Center (New York, USA)
- 2015 Rachel Garrard and Filipe Cortez, curated by The Dept. of Signs and Symbols, NEWD Art Show (New York, USA)
- 2015 Arte & negócios II, Porto Business School (Oporto, PT)
- 2016 Second Grant / Award, Vila Verde Municipality (Vila Verde, PT)
- 2013 Certificate of Merit - best classified in the Master Degree Graduation on 2013, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto (Oporto, PT)
- 2011 First Grant, II Bienal Internacional de Pintura, Fundação Rotária Portuguesa (Coimbra, PT)
Artistic Residencies
- 2017 STUPIN, TKG+ Projects (Taipei, CN)
- 2015 RU, Residency Unlimited (New York, USA)
- 2015 Art Kibbutz Residency, Governor’s Island (New York, USA)
- 2013 Project 1ª Avenida, 3 months residency, AXA Building (Oporto, PT)
- S&A (Oporto, PT)
- Quartel / Figueiredo Ribeiro Collection (Abrantes, PT)
- Serralves Collection (Serralves Foundation, Porto)
- Donna Chen Art Collections (Taipei, CN)
- Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Artist Book Collection (Lisbon, PT)
- Vasco Santos Collection (Lisbon, PT)
Seminars / Talks
- 2017 The Relationship Between Artist and Curator, organised by Residency Unlimited and the SVA Master Program in Curatorial Practice, School of Visual Arts (New York, USA)
- 2015 Pensar a Pintura, organised by the IIADS and coordinated by António Quadros Ferreira (phD) and Domingos Loureiro (MA), Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto (Oporto, PT)